Secondary Schools Offer Day - 1 March 2019
Congratulations on receiving a place here at Bradley Stoke Community School - we look forward to welcoming you in person soon!
Students should look out in the post at home for a postcard from us next week. Parents/carers will receive a more detailed letter and information pack in the next couple of weeks.
In the meantime, have a good look around our website where there is lots of information, in particular on our Transition pages which will be updated regularly.
Some dates for your diaries....
Monday 17 June - evening - Parent/Carers information evening
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 June - Transition days (days spent here for all students)
Term 1 first day - Wednesday 4 September (due to inset days on Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 Sept)
Please feel free to email Mrs Warren on with any queries you may have.