Primary Council
Our Primary Council representatives apply for their positions and are elected by their peers and teacher every year. They meet with Miss Dicks once a term and share their views on how our school can be even better.
Minutes of Meetings 2024-2025
Primary Council Minutes 2024/2025 - Term 3
Primary Council Minutes 2024/2025 - Term 2
Primary Council Minutes 2024/2025 - Term 1
Minutes of Meetings 2023-2024
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 6
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 5
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 4
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 3
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 2
Primary Council Minutes 2023/2024 - Term 1